Why this is important: The decision to abort a pregnancy may be due to medical complications of either the mother or the fetus, but is usually because the pregnancy was unintended. “Education regarding abstinence, contraceptive use and practices, as well as access to and education regarding safe, effective, and affordable contraception and family planning services might help reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancy and, therefore, the number of legal induced abortions.”1
Definition: Percent of pregnancies that are terminated by an induced abortion; does not include fetal deaths.
Data Source: Washington State Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics. Calculations and presentation of data by Spokane Regional Health District, Data Center.
1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Abortion Surveillance United States, 2000. MMWR Surveillance Summaries. November 28, 2003 / 52(SS12); 1-32
No differences by age
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